Thursday, December 26, 2019
We Live In A Society Where The Police Are Not Seen As The
We live in a society where the police are not seen as the good guy. People have a hard time believing they are safe with a policeman. Over the year’s things has changed for the public. Our technology is better and more connected with other people. Many videos of police over using their power are able to circulate over social media and the web. People are seeing many bad views on police than good. Which lead society hard to trust the people who protect and service us. Police misusing power leads to the debate of the constitutional law and amendments. Incidents like police handling their victims roughly have gone unpublished before better technology. Lawfulness and legitimacy plays a role in a police line of work, yet, society has changed†¦show more content†¦Due to the likely of the children to get shot or mistaken as a criminal with a weapon. There has been injustice death for those that did not live through a come across from an authority. Violations of arrest have happened where one’s rights are not respected or given. For this reason, many tend to consider the procedural justice than the outcome. Social interaction between the police and citizens are necessary and critical. If the community does not feel that their group of people do not matter to police this will create a deterrence. But, if the interaction between both succeed this can lead to compliance and understanding for an easier outcome for both sides. For example, gun offenders and other criminals feel lack of respect from officers. The smallest error one policeman can make can leave a harsh impression on all authority. In the same way, there can be stereotype for authority due to having the law to assist them to do illegal actions. This assisting them to getting away as much as they desire, which most of society believes. Peel s second principle of the nine implies the ability of the police to perform their duties is dependent upon public approval of police actions. This entitles that police are to maintain respect to keep the public respect and well being. So, why do those who encounter the police care for procedural justice? It is normal everyday life for one feel respect and as an equal. TheShow MoreRelatedAfrican Americans Have Been Victims Of Racist And Discriminatory1533 Words  | 7 Pagesattention of the public by the media in scenarios of police brutality and unequal practices toward minority individuals; specifically African American men. Rodney King, Malice Green, Tamir Rice, Michael Brown, Freddie Gray, Eric Garner, and Walter Scott are all African American men that died at the hand s of the police. Police brutality can be defined as the use of excessive force, verbal assault, or psychological intimidation by a member of the police force. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Confederate Flag Is America s Swastika - 1512 Words
Confederate Flag In The Hill, a top U.S. political magazine, in June 2015, Contributor H. A. Goodman wrote, â€Å"The Confederate flag is indeed America s swastika.†In the same way the Jewish community sees the swastika as a painful reminder of the Holocaust, the African-American community perceives the flag as a reminder of slavery and racial discrimination. The Confederate flag, a relic of the devastating Civil War, has become one of the most controversial and contentious icons in American history. The debate over the flying of the Confederate flag is in regard to the Southern Civil War ideals of slavery and white racial superiority that historians have agreed the flag represents. Supporters of the Confederate flag argue that as a symbol of Southern pride, honor, and character, the flag is a reminder of the South’s distinctive and rich history. Opponents of the flag contend that rather than a symbol of southern bravery, the Confederate flag symbolizes the racist, hat eful ideas of the Confederacy. The Confederate flag, a clear symbol of white superiority, prejudice, and slavery, should not be allowed to be perpetuated by the government in a society where those ideals should be long gone. The discord over the Confederate flag is rooted in wider debate over the causes of the Civil War and the ideals the flag symbolizes. With the high likelihood of Abraham Lincoln winning the 1860 presidential election, many of the Southern States became worried with the very real possibilityShow MoreRelatedBeing A Standard Model With Cognitive Stabilizers For Guidance1661 Words  | 7 Pagesthis truth? The confederate flag, an icon of the south, patrons post it high with pride, chanting phrases such as, â€Å"Heritage not Hate.†Yes, this flag is a permanent fixture of America s heritage, but the connotation from the heritage it represents is so much more... The confederate flag represents a time in America s history that was horrific, dehumanizing, and shameful. The flag is flown proudly in South Carolina over state facilities, snapping in the wind, much like flags do, echoing the soundsRead MoreA Reasoned Reconstruction Of The Past2140 Words  | 9 PagesLost Cause movement also began right after the Civil War – it first appeared in a book called The Lost Cause: A New Southern History of the War of the Confederates by the historian Edward A. Pollard in 1866, one year after the war had ended. The Lost Cause was a literary and intellectual crusade that is often characterized by portraying the Confederate cause as a noble fight for states’ rights using old fashioned, chivalrous tactics but were inevitably defeated by the Union army because of their superiorRead MoreRacism, Violence, And Violence1659 Words  | 7 Pagesfor several decades, and it is still one of the largest issues within our country. With us watching and hearing about racism within the news almost everyday, it is becoming something we just expect to see and hear about. Racism has ruined many people s lives, which causes the victims to want to express their feelings in a way that gains the attention of others. The main ways that racism is relevant within our everyday lives is within sports, music, news, and communication/actions with others. SportsRead MoreRacism : Racism And It Is Fair For Label A Country Racist?1648 Words  | 7 Pagesorganizations, it raises the underlined theme that America is racist. But, it is fair to label a country racist? In order to answer the question, there needs to be a set definition and understanding of what racism is. provides well writing definition of the word. Racism: â€Å"a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one s own race is superior and has the right to dominate
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Enterprise Resource Planning IKEA
Questions: 1. Using the case study, provide two examples of sustainable activities. 2. Explain how each sector of industry is linked together within a supply chain.3. Describe how IKEA influences all elements of itssupply chain to adopt sustainable practices.4.Evaluate and discuss the effect that IKEAs sustainable practices are likely to have upon the furnishing industry over the longer term. Answers: 1. The organization serves low priced furniture for the consumers basically the organization is strictly focused to become a responsible organization. The organization has over 36 countries all over the world. The mission of the organization is to make the daily life of the people efficient. Many examples are there that, are known as sustainable activity. Ex 1: IKEA is focused on the needs of the consumers. It wants to produce best quality products but by using a very small amount of resources. Moreover, in order to save the resources, the organization is focused to create hollow legged furniture. If the legs of the furniture will be hollow then it will hold light weight Ex 2: Another example for IKEA furniture manufacturing company is they are using honeycomb paper filling in place of solid wood. The top of the table will be filled up with, honeycomb paper. The code of manufacturer and suppliers implies that, this organization is strictly focused on the need of the consumers by using fewer amounts of resources. These are the two examples of sustainable activities. 2. The sectors of the industry those are interlinked to each other includes raw material,, manufacturing, distribution, retailer and consumers. After analyzing the case study it has been found that, in order to build a sustainable environment in IKEA, proper management of each step involved in the supply chain model is required to be focused. Particularly, for this case the two activities are manufacturing or production after collecting the raw material on the other hand the other activity is referred to as distribution of the products. These two activities are interrelated to each other manufacturing activity is independent in nature. The device required to manufacture a product, is not dependent on the supply of the raw material. If the amount supply reduces or increases then it will not affect the efficiency of the manufacturing device. The activity is sustainable in nature. Moreover, it can be said that, the sectors of supply chain are all connected to each other. The initial stage is the supply of raw material, this is the primary sector. It has the capability to develop the natural resources. The resources are timber, agriculture and the oil or the other material. After collecting the raw materials the product manufacturing process will start. This is the secondary sector of supply chain; it helps to develop and furnished the goods or the furniture model. After manufacturing the products will be distributed among the suppliers. The distribution and the retailers fall under the tertiary sector. Then the product will be delivered to the consumers. 3. In order to make more active sustainability the organization has setup certain UK initiatives. In the year of 2006, more than 70 percent of the waste products are recycled. The focus of the organization is to recycle more than 90 percent of the waste products. IKEA catalog system provides a vast range of collection which ca be used to demonstrate the range of products to store customer information into their central storage area. They use thin client technology. Apart from this, IKEA also influence the environment of its surroundings by creating a green ambiance among the users. According to the IKEA rules low energy or energy efficient light bulbs are utilized in the IKEA business area. In the issue of ethical reliability the IKEA contribute a major part in the UK based supply chain management system. All the business organization (suppliers and manufacturer) who are connected with the IKEA business organization they should maintain certain conditions which is regulated by some administrative authorities. 4. Create a long term business objective among the supply chain management is not easy as like other business area. In supply chain management there are three paradigms involved to design a successful supply management system. These three paradigms are set to describe three distinguished and different categories in the supply chain operations. Suppliers, customers and vendors are the three components of the above described paradigms. In order to maintain successful proposition among the business people and the end users (Suppliers, customers and vendors) a better common platform is needed to create an inter-connected communication system. Without creating a proper communication channel among different business segments can cause a devastating breakdown of the entire system. Another major concern which is interrelated with the longevity of the supply chain management system is customer relationship management. It withholds the opportunity of the business organization among the existing consumers and the future consumers. Bibliography [1] A. Sajjad, G. Eweje and D. Tappin, "Sustainable Supply Chain Management: Motivators and Barriers",Business Strategy and the Environment, vol. 24, no. 7, pp. 643-655, 2015. 12] 'Building A Sustainable Supply Chain, IKEA' (, 2016) https://Building a sustainable supply chain accessed 22 November, 2016 [3] C. Busse, J. Meinlschmidt and K. 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Monday, December 2, 2019
Russian Culture free essay sample
Among its various cultures, the most surprising one to me is Russian food. Russian cuisine is diverse, as Russia is the largest country in the world (by area). Russian cuisine derives its varied character from the vast and multi-cultural expanse of Russia. Russia is mainly a northern country with long-lasting cold winter. The food should give them much energy and warmth to survive during the winter time. So, the essential components of Russian cuisine are the ones, which provide more carbohydrates and fat rather than proteins. Fresh fruits and vegetables are rarely used in food. So, the top five components of a Russian meal are potatoes, bread, eggs, meat (especially beef) and butter. Other popular foods include cabbage, milk, sour cream, curds, mushrooms, lard, cucumbers, tomatoes, honey, sugar, salt, garlic, and onions. Soups and stews full of flavor are centered on seasonal or storable produce, fish, and meats. This wholly native food remained the staple for the vast majority of Russians well. We will write a custom essay sample on Russian Culture or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page But most of the foods contain high fat. It is acknowledged by many people that eating a high fat diet has been shown to cause health conditions that are detrimental and can lead to problems. A high fat meal once in a while is OK for people who are otherwise healthy. Eating this type of food on a regular basis, however, will result in negative health consequences. In other words, high fat food could lead you to suffer a lot of diseases. One of the most prevalent dangers of consuming too much fat is becoming obese. If people eat a lot of fatty food, they are likely consuming way more calories than they need in one day, which results in weight gain. Over time, excessive weight gain will lead to obesity, a condition that is associated with a variety of other health concerns, including heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and cancer. What’s more, too much fat in people’s daily diet is unhealthy because it can lead to buildup of cholesterol in their blood vessels, which can also result in heart disease. Having heart disease puts people at a higher risk of suffering from a heart attack. In addition, fatty foods increase the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis, a joint disease that is painful and can be crippling. All in all, because of Russian harsh climate, high fat foods become their daily diet. That is why we can see many fat Russians both man and women. However, without those high fat foods, maybe they could not survive in old days. As a consequence, every country has its own culture and that is the unique Russian traditional food culture.
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