Saturday, August 31, 2019
Michael Harper’s Discovery
Michael Harper’s poem, Discovery is a poem of love. It gives us a unique way of defining and realizing true love. Indeed the poem is narrative and has free verse – and it expresses an occasion where the narrator discovers the care which the other person, a female shows toward him/her- such is the significance of the title, Discovery. Yet love although universally defined as the â€Å"feeling of warmth and concern for other persons†must be qualified here. My reading of the poem suggests that it is a romantic kind of love that is expressed between two individuals; a male (the narrator) and a female (the narrator’s partner in the poem). Truly, the degree of love revealed in the poem is overwhelming which caused the narrator to ask why I in the fifth line. The ellipses used after that emphasizes on possible uncertainties, thoughts that the narrator pondered upon while in her cradle of affection. This being the case, the sentiment of enigma is pictured probably due to the relative bewilderment of the narrator to the beauty that is being showed by the woman despite the narrator’s imperfections. The setting is night time on bed (they laid together in the dark); the two are close to each other (the narrator could hear her breath); as presented by lines one and two. It is quite possible for lovers to sleep together and engage in an act like sex. Harper has thought of convincing the readers of the reality of the narrator’s emotion by attending to the facts, by way of description, that are happening while the narrator is sleeping. Just like love, it may or may not be seen, only felt. When love is true, the person does not wish for it to be recognized nor expect returns from act of pretense. Such is the beauty of love in the poem; it has been measured by the warmth of the light (bulb) – as it is common to metaphorically describe love through the sensations of warmth. The eyes have always been the window of our inner passion; and touch and kiss signify intimacy. The author rightly used the line; she was staring at me with her eyes, to demonstrate the act of looking over a loved one in the coldness of the night; and the line a little shaken as she stroked my skin and kissed nay brow, to literally project sweetness. Although the challenging night’s condition was not directly written in the poem, it is implied especially when line number eight says, her thigh warming mine. The line, her breasts still sturdy could be a depiction of an aged woman who despite the fading strength in the context of age and experience has shown vitality or could also mean a period of arousal which is demonstrated as a prelude to a more intimate encounter by a woman. The poem reveals more of the scene that takes place after their love making. People of today has a general belief that â€Å"sex†no longer possesses the same sanctity as before – that the act could be done with or without love. The poem defies the latter by showing that it is most enjoyable when at the end of the act it self, love and joy is felt. The line in the poem tells us that the lover aimed at analyzing his/her partner in the silence of the night while sleeping and unveils sincerity through simple acts of kissing the brows. The agenda of the poem is to make us understand why love remains a feeling that we have to discover. Other ways become tools for this detection; like the light turned on and the heat which would reveal how long the woman had looked and cared for the narrator. It is hot, burning hot meaning deep and true. The narrator discovers true love here which treats sex secondary only to the feeling of closeness, sincerity and care which are all metaphorically disclosed in the poem. It serves as a lesson for all of us on the virtue of love and the significance of sex. True love can sustain itself without sex, although as an expression of love, sex regains its necessity. The beauty of love making lies on the feeling of security after the act which the narrator felt in the end of the poem – security from threats of lies, infidelity and uncertainties.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Founding Fathers Essay
In the past century, there has been a growing debate as to the motives of the founders of the republic and as a result the nature of our constitution. While Marxist analysts such as Charles Beard contended that the founders were wealthy elite that ultimately created a conservative document intended to weaken the poor popular majority, other scholars like John Roche believed that the fathers had no such agenda and they were working purely to reconcile states’ interests. Pluralists, such as Hofstadter, believed that the constitutional insistence of checks and balances intended to create a slow political process in which no interest can completely win and oppress other interests over a long period of time. While the scholars, Beard and Roche, make a strong defense of their opposing argument, it appears, based on the constitutional document and historical analysis that Hofstadter provided a more accurate portrayal of the founding fathers and their purpose in framing the various pi eces of the Constitution. The men who wrote the constitution came from a particular background of wealthy and politically elite people and as a result one of their main concerns in the newly developing nation was the protection of their property. Under the Articles of Confederation, there was no guaranteed right of property and the economy was becoming a mess as there was no power to keep it controlled. Charles Beard states in his document, â€Å"They were anxious above everything else to safeguard the rights of private property against any leveling tendencies on the part of the propertyless masses.†In a country where the majority rules, the wealthy few became vulnerable to possibility of the poor population taking their belongings. Beard believes evidence of this can be seen throughout the Constitution, such as the Contract and Commerce clause which both limit state powers and allow Congress to regulate trading and property rights. The second piece of evidence is that certain branches of the government, the Senate, President, and Supreme Court, are not directly elected by the people. John P. Roche suggests that the framing of the Constitution was essentially a democratic process involving the unification of the state, political, and economic interests of the nation. Roche recognizes that the framers were an elite, but he is careful to point out that they were a political elite dedicated for the most part to creating an efficient and at the same time controlled national government that would be able to overcome the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. The framers were not an organized few dedicated to particular notions of political or economic beliefs beyond the need to create a national government that would be capable of uniting the disparate interests of the state. When the Constitutionalists decided to challenge the Confederation, they used the methods of political legitimacy. The 3/5 compromise allowed more representation of the lower population in the house of representatives and the bill of rights was formed in order to ensure state rights and c heck the central government. Roche believes the bicameral legislation of the constitution was effective at producing pluralism. Finally, the last theory of what the founding fathers intended for the purpose of the Constitution to be was to create a balanced government that followed the philosophy of checks and balance which derived from the Enlightenment ideals of Montesquieu. In â€Å"The Founding Fathers: An Age of Realism,†Hofstadter argues that the agenda of the founding fathers was not only to ensure the rights of property for the wealthy elite, but also for the poorer masses. â€Å"Most of them would probably have admitted that the rich, unrestrained, would also plunder the poor.†The purpose of the Constitution was to create a government that allowed both the elite and individuals to maintain their rights and opportunities in the nation. The framing made sure to include legislation that aided the wealthy but also pieces that helped represent the larger population. The contract and commerce clauses protected property rights and strengthened the central government, but then the Bill of Rights and the House of Representatives gave power to the states and the poor majority. In addition, while the President can veto bills, Congress has the chance to override the veto with a 2/3 majority. The Senate, representing states, and the House of Representatives provide involvement for the majority in the Constitution, while the President and Supreme Court are chosen by the minority and provide protection for the smaller group of individuals. The founding fathers made sure to include checks and balances when they developed the Constitution in order to ensure a fair government where one group does not hold the most power. Both Beard and Roche have contrasting views on what the purpose was of the founding fathers in their framing of the Constitution, but both are ultimately flawed as it is wrong to say that their agenda was limited to selfish greed or altruism for the majority. The real agenda, as Hofstadter explains, was to form a balanced government that ensures the basic rights for both the majority and minority, allowing the wealthy and the poor to be represented and protected under the branches of the government and legislation through a system of checks and balances.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Greek and Hellenistic Civilization, The Byzantine Empire
The Minoans are Bronze Age the civilization that arose In Crete In third and second millennia BCC. There called after their legendary King Minis. Their reign is divided into 3 main periods: Early, Middle and Late Minoans. Their art and architecture was very distinctive and glorious showing scenes of peace and melancholy, however they didn't have strong walls which were built for defense. Excavation on these sites have revealed some clay tablets that were written on, on some even in a writing that is considered as an early Greek language.The Mycenaean are people who used metal, built houses and traded with Crete and other Islands. These people lived on the Creek mainland. It Is not known where they came from, they did not even speak a language that was Indo-European. Excavators show signs of later invasions of Greeks. The Mycenaean were warriors ruled by powerful kings and had fortresses built on hills with sorting defensive walls. Unlike Minoans', their murals are showing scenes of w ars and hunting. They are mentioned in the archives of the Hitter Kings of Asia Minor and in Egyptian records.They probably destroyed Troy, which later was a basis for Homer's Iliad and the Eyes. Around 1200 BCC, this civilization shows signs of struggle and they disappeared. After their disappearance, which Is considered the fault of the Dorian, Greece entered the dark middle ages, about which is not much known. Homer's poems provide the best insight into these dark ages. They are based upon oral poetry and tradition that has come from that very time. Polls in the Expanding Greek World It Is the most characteristic Greek Institution representing a city-state.All of polices were initially villages or towns with flourishing agriculture. A polis was a community of relatives: the citizens have come from one coaster, so they all present subgroups which were brotherhoods, clans or tribes. Later on, agar – a marketplace and CIVIC – center appeared In polls, It became a place of social interaction and major conversations. The hoppled phalanx has become an invitational war technique. From 8th to 6th century BCC, Greek period of colonization began – they successfully placed polis all the way from Span to the Black Sea.They Inhabited Macedonia, and had many colonies In Sicily and Italy later called Magna Grackle. Colonization gave them sense of belonging, of having a culture (phenylalanine). It also encouraged trade and industry. Many of the new wealth citizens were not of aristocratic blood, they were not politically Included, so they rebelled and many of those conflicts resulted In tyranny. Tyrants (700-500 BCC) were monarchs who gained power unorthodoxly and ruled 1 org only to gain more power and be more popular among the citizens. They cultivated arts, literature and technology. The last of them are remembered as oppressive and aggressive.Archaic Greece Aristocrats lead privileged lives, the others farmed the land. The religion played important role in those times. Like most ancient nations, the Greeks were polytheists. The art and literature and general life of polis were tightly connected with religion. The 12 deities that lived on Mount Olympus were considered to behave like humans. The early Greek traders learnt many techniques in Syria. They borrowed the writing system from a Semitic script and added vowel to create the first real alphabet ever, which was easy to learn. Due to that, the Greece became a widely literate society.During the 6th century, the lyric has become a new genre of poetry. The poets wrote about personal issues that can be implied in life, like love and political state and opinions. Polis and Persian Wars Each polis developed in a unique way. Athens and Sparta have become the most powerful city-states with unusual histories. The wars with Persia have ended the lambasting freedom of polis. Spartan conquered Messiah due to population increase and hunger. The Helots of Messiah now had to work for the Spartan, so they rebelled. To keep them DOD, Spartan turned the state to a military camp.In that way they turned the center of Helots' devotion from family to polis. Athens was governed by a council of nobles. Due to degenerating crisis and socioeconomic change, the Athenians elected Solon. He cancelled debts, forbade bet slavery and brought Athenians who were enslaved abroad. He forbade the export of some major goods, but encouraged the production of olive oil and wine for sale. He changed the way of government by improving the economy of Athens. In 6th century BCC, some of the coastline polis in Asia Minor fell under the control of King Crosses of Lydia and the powerful Persian Empire.The situation was calm enough, no one rebelled until a tyrant Aristocrat of Milieus ended the calm. Persians conquered island Nanas. Later Aristocrat tried to raise a rebellion in Ionian and turned to the mainland polios. Athenians burned Saris, the seat of Persian governor. Persia countered by destr oying Milieus and ending the rebellion in Ionian. In 490 BCC, Persian king Diaries decided to punish Athens. The Persians were defeated at Marathon. In 481 BCC, Xeroxes gathered an army of 150, 000 men and Ana of 600 ships and attacked Athens, which defeated the Persians again with only 200 ships.On mainland, the Spartan tried to sop the Persian invasion, but failed. The war was won by Greece, due to their great fight on the sea. Classical Greece After the Persians retreated, Greece be+entered its classical period, which has aridly ever been surpassed in cultural achievement by any other civilization. It is also 150 years of conflict between the polis, which resulted in them being weakened and vulnerable. As the strongest and best equipped polis in Greece. Common, the leader of Athens wanted to aggressively attack Persia and stay in friendly relations with Spartan.Prices however, wanted to change that state. They eventually all arranged Common's exile, and formed an ally with Argos, Sprat's enemy. A conflict emerged between Sprat's and Athens allies known as the First Polynesian War. The Athenians remained undefeated during the early years of the war. In 454 BCC, Athenian fleet was destroyed and the revolts broke inside the Delia League. Sparta and Athens agreed on 30 years of peace in Greece, at that time, divided into 2 parts. The peace only lasted for 10 years. This war was long and sit destroyed the foundation of whole civilization.After years of fighting and ruining, no one won. The Athenian Empire lost its power and collapsed. Through the years, the Spartan intervened in many conflicts with Persia and won, later even controlling the Mesopotamia. They became very aggressive and lawless, which, in their future battles caused them to ruin themselves. Greece has once again come to the pre-wars period of disorientation. Hellenic Culture A period of 3 centuries in which Greek culture had spread itself to Egypt and into the far eastern Asia. The Hellenic civili zation was combination of Asian and Greek elements.It arose with the rise of power of Macedonia, which conquered Greece and Persia in two generations. Macedon Kingdom was in the between Greece and barbaric tribes of the North. For Greeks, Macedonian were semicircular. Philip II of Macedon unified Macedon in 359 BCC he created his people as a strong fighting force. In 338 BCC, he defeated Athens and Thebes. Phillip was murdered, but his son, Alexander the Great, succeeded in his father's plans to conquer Persia. His battles were quick and short, he wanted them like that decisively because he needed supplies of minor Persian strongholds.He fought intelligently, marching straight through Syria and defeating the Persian army, causing king Diaries Ill to flee. He easily conquered Egypt and was met with ovations and considered the Son of God Re, savior and pharaoh. Diaries Ill offered him alliance to end the invasion. He refused. In Mesopotamia, he again tactically defeated the Persians, Diaries fled again. He entered Babylon and was declared a king and a savior one more. He burned Prolepsis, after taking all the money he needed to circulate in his empire, as a symbol of final destruction of Persia.He later found Diaries dead, so he captured Diaries' replacement, Busses, and headed to India. Near Samaritan, in one of towns named after him, he married a Bacteria princess. He conquered Pakistan, going even further to see the river Ocean for which Greeks thought was the end of the world. His tired men refused to go further, so they went back to Persian Gulf. He had great plan for future, but in his 33rd year, he died. Overall, the Hellenic heritage provided us an insurmountable quantity of culture and teachings, from medicine, mathematics and astronomy to arts, literature an philosophies.Chapter 11 The Byzantine Empire and Western Europe The Fall of Western Roman Empire In fifth century CE Italy and Rome endured several sieges and attacks by barbarian fragmented Wester n Empire fell in hands of the barbarians. Rome officially fell in 457; emperor Divorce declared Zone, the Eastern Roman emperor, as the only emperor of the whole Roman Empire. The barbarians culturally separated Europe from its Classical Age. Rupee's development was stagnating due to the political and economical fragmentation, while other civilizations were improving their assets.China was securing its borders from foreign invasions between 8th and 10th century. They were more cosmopolitan and politically and technologically unified than Europe at the time. They even had movable type printing machines in 10th century, which the West became knowledge with in 1 5th century. The rulers' authority was extended greatly upon the people, while in Europe the power the rulers had was mainly inside the government centers. India was blossoming under the reign of Guavas in 4th and 5th centuries, until the Arab expansion to Spain and India in 8th century.Japan was fragmented in similar means Jus t like Europe. The Byzantine Empire In the 4th century, the imperial power shifted to the eastern part of empire. Emperor Justinian reign for the greatest period of Constantinople glory. The strength of the empire could be seen in the tight central control of over 1,500 powerful cities all around the Byzantine, some of which had about 50,000 citizens, while Constantinople had about 350,000 inhabitants – the most populated city of the oral at the time. Let has been a crossroads between Europe and Asia.Justinian policy was to centralize governments by imposing legal and doctrinal conformity – codification of existing Roman Law – Corpus Jurist Civil (studied and used even today). At the time, church and rulers were closely tied, in the means that the ruler had power over the church. Barbarian Invasions of Western Roman Empire The Germanic tribes had coexisted peacefully with the Romans for several centuries, until appearance of Hung. Therefore, the Germanic fled we stward to the Roman Empire and there were faced with famine, disease, high taxes and poor litany – they've easily gained control over the land.Justinian tried to regain Western Roman Empire, but only partially succeeded for some time. Avers, Slavs and Bulgaria invaded North and West lands around Constantinople in 6th and 7th centuries. Slavs covered to Eastern Orthodoxy (Byzantine Christianity) by two saints, Cyril and Methodism, who invented the Greek-based alphabet of Slavic language. It was later revise by Bulbar influence and today is known as Cyclic. Heraclites was the first emperor who spoke only Greek, not Latin. He spent his life resisting Persian and Islamic invasions.Eventually, in 7th century, Islamic armies overran the empire and they steadily progressed, until emperor Leo Ill who repelled Arabs. He succeeded to take back most of Asia Minor, but the Mediterranean was forever lost. Constantinople was of great importance and very interesting to non-Christians as the centre of the world. In time, there were not only Fresh, Paisa and Venetian quarters, but Muslim and Jewish ones as well. The period of strong imperial rule was in 10th century. Former military reforms (7th and oh centuries) allowed better resistance to the enemy invasions.Macedonian Bulgaria were halted by Basil II, the fiercest emperor of the dynasty. All in all, Macedonian reign was age of art, literature and culture – a revival period. It was a period of state-controlled growth and military peace. The peace was broken in 1071, first with the loss of the last stronghold of Byzantine Empire in the West: Barb, a town in Italy; it fell to the Norman kings of France, and second with the coming of Muslim Seller Turks. They destroyed the imperial army in the battle of Amazement and overran Anatolia, from where the Byzantine Empire recruited its soldiers.Empire had to fight the enemies on two fronts, all the while it served a purpose of religious and cultural heritage center of he West. After more than 20 years of steady Turkish advances, emperor Alexis I called for help from the West. The Pope launched the first Crusade. In 1204, the 4th Crusade was stopped in Constantinople on their way to Jerusalem. Even though their purpose should have been the rescuing of the Byzantine capital, they inflicted more damage upon Jerusalem than all the previous invaders of other religions. Religious Diversity Religious belief was of great servitude to political unity.In 391 the officially declared faith of Eastern Empire was Christianity, while other religions and sects were forbidden and proclaimed as heresy. Patriarchs were those who crowned the emperors and they were highly respected and generously endowed. A lot of Jews lived in the empire and they were protected by Roman Law. Some emperors tried to convert them to Christianity boot forcefully and indirectly, but those methods proven themselves unsuccessful. In 4th century, the Nice Creed was concluded, claiming that the Holy Spirit proceeded from Father only, not from the Son.Some scholars believe that the Creed has been of political concern: by protecting the majesty of Father, they were actually protecting the position of the emperor, for whom was believed to have all et power of he worlds. In 8th century, Leo Ill forbade the use of icons in worship, iconoclasm. That served to furtherer divide the East and West parts of the empire by shocking the Roman Popes who allied with Freakish kings. Eastern church also denied the existence of Purgatory, allowed marriage to the priests and allowed liturgies to be held in other languages, not only in Greek or Latin.This all lead to the great schism in 1054. These privileges the Western Christians didn't gain until the Protestant Reformation in 16th century. Impact of Islam on East and West Unlike other invaders, Arabs imposed their culture and religion whatever land hey conquered. In 8th century, they gained access to Spain – that was the beginnin g of 700-year reign of today's Andalusia. South and East Mediterranean coastline were also under their control. On the other side, other Muslim armies, Seller and Ottoman Turks, proceeded over Mesopotamia and Persia toward Byzantine.The Muslims tolerated Christians and Jews – they made no efforts to convert them to Islam, however they made sure the conquered people pay special taxes which itself encouraged the conversion to Islam. Leo Ill stopped them at the time from developing further, until 1453. Franks stopped the Arabs from their expansion to the very center of Europe on Christians and Muslims continued in the means of trade. Caliphates of Islamic empire found the Byzantine as a perfect model, the courts and architecture were all having impact on the Islamic conquerors and the art became a foundation for later Arab illuminations.Arab rulers wanted to see their faith in intellectual terms and associate themselves with an older powerful tradition. This wish influenced Musl im interest in Ancient Greek culture and learning, especially in medicine, astronomy, philosophy and logic. They translated all of the now studies from Greek. Arab scholars noted that Christian emperors suppressed the Greek studies on purpose due to political reasons. The Western civilization gained the most from Muslim teachings, the Greek famous works were thankless to Latin thanks to the Arabs in Spain, who allowed mixed communities.Roman Church Development Through all of this, while the Western Empire was slowly crumbling, the church gained in power. On, the church became a great substitution of sometime emperors of the Western Romans. Church and the Pope gained the control over Rome and became a center of all that left in the empire. They gained strength, special privileges, great lands and wealth. The church had a religious message to help in the worst time and rituals that united people beyond the barriers, all the while acting as a central administrations power.The Monastic culture was widely spread, resulting in the appearance of monks, who later became willing to serve the needs of the infirm and poor people by caring for them. As the problems for Eastern Roman Empire continued, the Pope took the opportunity and declared himself as a Christ visceral on Earth hiving him absolute power in secular and other sectors of the Empire, too. The Kingdom of the Franks Their territory include the land of today's France, western Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands. Innervations' counts had become territorial rulers for their own benefit, which resulted in the weakening of the Innervations.Later on, the Carolingian gained power and took the crown of Freakish kings after their strong army of counts who held the lands defeated the Arabs on the west frontier. The Carolingian used the power of church to pacify the tribes – Bars, Frisian and Saxons, who were the greatest enemies of the Franks. The church helped them to take the title of the crown dynasty. Toget her, they formed an alliance after the Nice Creed against the Eastern emperor. The Franks protected the church and king Pepping was declared as a father-protector of the Roman, which was , by that time, only emperor's title.Franks defeated the Lombardi and gave the lands to the church around Rome. This land are known as the Papal States. Throughout the time, peasants were classified as free on unfreeze bob their lord considering their heritage and property. Many of them escaped in search of better places. The Carolingian empire was divided in three parts and became fragmented due to the war between three brothers who owned the parts. The empire as itself would not be whole again until the 16th century. Feudalism It is the social, political and economic system that emerged from rich freemen who ruled the smaller, poorer freemen.This conditions prevailed due to constant threats people require firm assurance that others can be depended on in time of dire need. It is a system of mutual rights and responsibilities. The rich freemen, the masters had their own lands, own armies and courts, and the smaller ones were their vassals. The origins of the feudal society can be found in conflicts inside the Moravian dynasty and it lasted through the Carolingian, as well. Chapter 20 The Last Great Islamic Empires, 1500-1800 The Islamic vitality from 1450 to 1800 was proven by three great states of Ottomans, Savvied and Musicals.They built great militaries and civil states and revived Islamic culture and social life. Ottoman Empire Ottomans were a Turkish dynasty who originated from one of the groups of western Chough Turks in Central Asia. They came to Anatolia as Muslims. In the time, the first Turks that were residents of Byzantine were Useless. They had reign over dome parts of modern-day Turkey. He Ottoman power shifted to Dire on the Balkan Peninsula, slowly extending toward Anatolia. Constantinople finally fell Eden Ottoman control in 1453. By the reign of Sultan Mohame d II, The Conqueror. It became Ottoman capital after it was renamed to Istanbul.Ottomans allowed Christian patriarch to remain there and rule the Eastern church. The Ottoman expansions continued toward the center of Europe, often Justified in the name of Islam. Sultan Sells I conquered the lands of southeastern Europe, north of the Black Sea and majority of Ukraine, Egypt, annexed Syria and Palestine, as well as Mecca and Medina. Furthermore, Sultan Salesman Ã'›the Magnificent†expanded the empire over Sardinian, Georgia, Mesopotamia, Iraq and more of eastern Europe, as well as big part of Hungary and nearly Vienna. The entire empire was organized as a military institution.All member had ranks and positions, no matter their function. Grand Mufti or Sheikh of Islam, was a single religious authority who ruled the llama as a significant part of government. It was supposed to be only for Muslim men and had an entire system of courts and Judges and it held the supremacy of Shari' s, Muslim law Which was recognized by the Sultan himself. However, the empire had its strictly organized administrative law, Quean. After Salesman's death, his son Sells II gained control over the empire. It was weakened by military corruption, government decentralization and various other setbacks.Economically, inflation and agricultural failures have been sufficient to endure, but intellectual, the empire was vitality by cultural accomplishments. Savvied of Iran took control over Sardinian and Mesopotamia in 1603. The military was weakened from fighting on two fronts, with the addition of Rupee's progress in technology. In 17th century, the Janissaries became corrupt, meddling into politics and dynastic issues. Later on, Maraud IV from 1623 to 1640 tried to revivalist the reign, but he died leaving weakly centralized authority with taxes rising, paying the Janissaries, weakened all aspects of government to his successors. Epitomized majestically, ant the cultural exchange flourish ed, but at the same time, the llama became increasingly corrupt. There are some notable writers and historians such as Katie Chilled, Evilly Chilled, Minima the traveler, and greatest Ottoman poet, Ended. The greatest was the architect Asian. The empire had become influenced highly by Europeans and Jews and progressed as a multivalent, literature and multitudinous state. After the failure in 1683 to take Vienna, they came back from Hungary and Belgrade and never threatened Europe again.From 17th to 18th century, the empire was increasingly becoming dependent on international markets, in contrast to its self-sufficient growth and control of conquered lands. The European economics- based system was going toward industrialization and capitalism and the empire collapsed under their growing interest in 1918. The Safaris Empire and the West Asian World The Savvied originate from Turkish spiritual leaders of a Sunnis Suffix order in Azerbaijan. They officially appeared in 14th century. Soo n, their order evolved Shiite ideology.Throughout the years they had many conflicts and battles with neighboring nations and empires. A strong central rule of Shiite conformity was applied by Shah Somali, which caused even greater tensions with the neighbors. Ottoman sultan Sells I defeated the Safaris army in 1514, which caused wars on the Safaris- Ottoman border for about two centuries. Thanks to their religious feelings, the Savvied endured the constant attacks ender Somalia's successor, Thomas l. The next and the most able Safaris ruler, Shah Bass brought a first real type of leadership to Iran.He regained the provincial lands and used the men force in order to support Iranian troops as a counterweight to other problematic lands. He pushed the Ottomans out of Azerbaijan and Iraq and sought alliances with Ottoman's western enemies. This is the tactic that eventually caused many fatal divisions in both politics and economics in the assumed unity of Islamic world. Bass broke down t he monopoly of the Portuguese in trade on Persian shores and made deals with Dutch and English commerce in India. The grandeur capital he brought to Iran could best be seen at Safaris.However, the Savvied' power had a lambasting after-effect: the central faith of majority, Sunnis Islam, was replaced for Shiite Islam. The llama, society+TTY of scholars leaned the legitimacy to government and they discouraged the pilgrimage to Mecca, instead they encouraged visits to Kraal and the shrine of Hussar. By the 17th century, llama withdrew from any political participation. After Shah Bass, the empire didn't see able reign again. Pressure on two fronts, economics weakening and the increasing power of llama were the reasons the empire increasingly corrupted and eventually declined.Afghan leader forced Hussar I to abdicate. The lands of the empire were shared among the neighbors, only kept reign over western Iran. In 1747, the reign of Nadir Shah ended brutally. The Musicals The name is a Pers ian variation of the Mongols. They were Chatty Turks and they invaded India from the northwest starting a new era for India, by reuniting the fragmented states. The founder of the dynasty, Baber, marched to India, replaced However, the greatest ruler of India, since Osaka, was Kafka â€Å"the Great†. He gained his success with impressive military force, adding great lands to the empire.More important were his government reforms, his handling of cultural and religious differences. He organized the government and the tax system. Hindu-Muslims tensions were eased at the time when he married the Ragout princess. He also organized debates between various spiritual leaders, showing tolerance for all religions. Saba's successors had great achievements,too, but the problem in sustaining an Indian empire gradually became too much. Janitor and Shah Johan were rulers who accomplished most when it's about culture, particularly in architecture and painting.Shah Johan was strained with eco nomic problems, though. His building projects were too expensive, like Tax Mall, which he built for his beloved Mutual. Rearrange, Khan's son, was religiously conservative in more an more internally conflicted India. He persecuted non-Muslims, destroyed Hindu temples, reimbursed the poll tax and estranged the Ragout leaders. He denied and ruined everything Kafka ever fought for. Arranger's reign and methods were helping a lot to various movements, which include nationalism as well, and religions to culminate and eventually divide India religiously and nationally even more.
Economic Policy and Vocational Training in the United Kingdom Essay
Economic Policy and Vocational Training in the United Kingdom - Essay Example In comparison to other countries in the European Union the United Kingdom lags in literacy and numeracy rates. At age 16 the 'staying on' rate for students transitioning into vocational education is below desired rates with the majority of students not 'staying on' being from poorer or minority families. The United Kingdom's attempt to change the course of decline in educational outcomes has met with limited success. The United Kingdom has made three major policy changes that should affect literacy rates and staying on rates. The U.K. has chosen to lengthen the compulsory education mandate from 5 to 16 to 5 to 18. The U.K. has also mandated a 'literacy hour' each day where students and teachers focus only on literacy education. The United Kingdom has also mandated that public schools follow the National Curriculum so that all students are educated using the same standards. The desired outcome of these changes are higher literacy rates, increased staying on rates, and standardization of curriculum across the U.K. The long term outcomes of policy changes would ideally give the United Kingdom a competitive advantage in the E.U. marketplace. If the United Kingdom continues with current trends businesses in the U.K. may look elsewhere in the E.U. for qualified workers thus taking business away from the U.K. The end of World War Two and the creation of the European Union have brought changes to how children are educated in the European Union. This paper examines those changes and evaluates current policies in place in the United Kingdom. For the purpose of this study three member states and their educational systems have been examined. The United Kingdom is the focus of this paper while data and educational programs in Germany and France have been examined for comparison. All three countries have compulsory education laws that require children attend school during certain years of childhood. All three have tracks that children can follow with some transitioning into vocational education while others transition into higher education (university study for example). And, all three are European Union member states. How these member states prepare their 'human capital' is important to the European Union as a whole. The move toward open borders, open markets, brings forth the need to have qualified workers in all sectors of the economy. It only makes sense to prepare future workers in the European Union in a similar way with those performing the same jobs having attained the same qualifications. This was not so important pre World War Two when each country had its own isolated economy. The completion of the Chunnel connecting France and England and the completion of the land bridge connecting Sweden and Denmark further opened borders to more commerce. Countries are responsible for preparing their 'human capital' to function (work) in the global market place. As the European Union moves closer to social and economic cohesion it is more important than ever for it is for workers to be trained or educated to function in this new marketplace. Human Capital Human capital is best understood as "the physical means of production" (Becker, G 1993). Investing in human capital is much the same as investing in equipment. The equipment desired to
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Culture Analysis paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Culture Analysis paper - Essay Example Moreover, Bollywood has been considered audience-oriented, though they have more emphasis on generating wealth. Bollywood is a term that is also applied in description of a physical location with certain characteristics, which are common among the other films produced in the same region Ganti (2). In this case, these characteristics comprises of song and dance, melodrama, emphasising on stars and spectacle, values of lavish production (Ginta, 3). Moreover, there are other theatrical variables integrated in the filmmaking such as sublimating and romanticism. Bollywood differs from Nollywood, which is a term derived from Hollywood, and it is a generic name for the firm industry in Nigeria. One of the similarities between these generic is that their name were derived from the term Hollywood. However, these industries have different global attention, which differs in terms of the effort made to create their distinct film tradition. For instance, Bollywood has achieved a more prolific and legendary attention from different parts of the world compared to Nollywood. On the other hand, Nollywood experiences government intervention through contribution to provide a favourable environment for film making industry. However, Bollywood is run by private sector through their efforts to fund and offer dominant producers and marketers. Nevertheless, Nigerian film industry has been perceived as a cultural product by other nations, though unlike Bollywood they experience indifferences of the government towards their industry. For instance, Nollywood fac es problems of being denied a status of foreign exchange cultural currency that can enhance their industry. Indian cinema has a long and wealthy history, some of which is common to Western audiences (Ginta, 2004). Similarly, American moviegoers are increasing but still have inadequate exposure to different forms of Indian films. Asian films hinters developmental
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Organizational Policies on Sexual Harassment Research Paper
Organizational Policies on Sexual Harassment - Research Paper Example The research paper "Organizational Policies on Sexual Harassment" talks about the sexual harassment, a chief vice that is facing modern organizations. Since sexual harassment can cripple the company’s operation and affluence, it is imperative finding the underlying cause of the quandary, addressing fit to the staff members and making clear and plausible policies, rules and tenets governing the behavior of the workers. Therefore, very adept decisions in a meeting with all staff members ought to be addressed and clear guidelines put forward. Therefore, the following paragraphs espouse the various approaches to tackle the setback of sexual harassment in the specific sections to avoid pitfalls that could possibly result into lame operations and poor performance by the company. The organization should stipulate a policy discouraging and barring sexual harassment and severe penalties failure to compliance. The policies should be clear and fighting malicious accusations and deliberate misconduct on the part of sexual harassment cases. The human resource officials ought to inform the members of staff on the suitable procedures in the pressing of grievances when an individual is harassed sexually. Through an array of awareness and teaching tactics, the organization ought to treat the employees to intensive teaching and training on intelligence concerning the problem at hand and how to react accordingly. Additionally, the department heads to identify any hidden cases should conduct surveys.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Personal failure that had an impact on your life and what you learned Statement
Failure that had an impact on your life and what you learned from it - Personal Statement Example In addition to that native language plays a big role in facilitating the learning process and my failure stands just there. To get the thought to roll at your tongue one needs to "Know Thyself" and express it in the common language. The outcome of the course results in filling a position for International Diplomat, International Trade professional, Politician or running your own business where ones national language is of highest priority to get the message across. It was my personal failure to learn the Russian language which formed the base for all communications. Understanding the penetrations of any form of knowledge in a country and its effective usage can only be made possible through the use of national language. The intricacy of Russian language in my study was extremely important as the course dealt in international relations which by itself meant knowing the language better; mastering it is a process, to enable swift communication for better business and value to any individual or an organization. Not taking an initiative to learn Russian was a neat failure to understand the crucial demands of the moment and to envelope the very opportunity to grasp the cultural dimensions of a language for benefit and goodwill. The unique profile of basic aptitudes, learning styles, personality preferences and attitudes of a being is a blend for success in any profession and learning a native language serves as a catalyst to further the interests. The blend serves as a strong ingredient to get the things right at the first time and native language gets you just that in the long run. My personal failure to identify the learning opportunities of Russian language for my course was a personal failure which would strike back strong in the long term. Being open minded to learn new things is innovativeness in itself and proving in the long run how imperative impressionist one could be which greatly influences ones personality elements for effective communication and public relations. Language is native to the turn of phrase of culture. Serving as means for propagating values, beliefs and customs, it has a chief social function which forges friendships, cultural ties, feeling of group identity, economic relationships and solidarity. It is the resource by which culture, its traditions and shared values may be put across and potted. Being international relations as my major I have convinced with the fact that learning Russian, which happens to be the native language, would have served me with greater strength and focus for furthering my interests largely.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Public Relations - Corporate Reputation programme Essay
Public Relations - Corporate Reputation programme - Essay Example Thomas Carlyle also known as Tom Ford is a fashion designer and film director from America, majorly popular for his services for Gucci and the creation of fashion label Tom Ford. Born in 1961, Tom Ford is renowned for his creativity in dress designing and versatility in product offering. The brand â€Å"TOM FORD†came into existence in 2004 after the fashion designer and film director decided to part his way with Gucci. The brand offers cosmetic products, menswear, eyewear, fashion accessories and women wear to a customer base spread across the globe. Majority of the customers of Tom Ford are celebrities from international film industries, the world of sports, politics and media (Ford, 2014; Lewis, 2013; Petcu, 2010). In order to understand how media and general public view Tom Ford as a brand, a reputation audit is carried out. This audit will be helpful in understanding the effectiveness of Tom Ford’s marketing strategies to establish the brand as a luxury fashion product manufacturer and supplier. Moreover, the audit will help readers to understand the sentiments of Tom Ford’s target audience about its policies, performance in the industry, its financial strengths and the social responsibility which the brand is fulfilling (Males, 2013). Tom Ford’s target audience perceives the brand as a luxury high-end fashion brand providing fashion accessories, tailored suiting, fragrances, jackets, sunglasses, ties, shoes, skirts, cosmetics, leather goods and eyewear. Majority of the customer base of Tom Ford perceives it as a market leader in fashion and media industry because of its products’ exclusivity and quality. Tom Ford’s products are mainly popular because of innovativeness in product design and the ability of the brand to come up as the introducer of fashion trends. In addition to this ability, Tom Ford is
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Marketing Management Strategies Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words
Marketing Management Strategies Analysis - Essay Example Multi-domestic strategy is often pursued by food, beverage, clothing and fashion industries where a country by countryapproach is undertaken to satisfy the tastes and needs, laws and regulations of particular markets. The concept of multi-domestic strategy is mainly of ‘we were successful in the home market, lets export the management talent and processes, not necessarily the product, to accommodate another market’ (Cavusgil, Knight, & Riesenberger 2007, Chapter 11)FeaturesMulti-domestic strategy is most suited for franchises, subsidiaries and joint venture type businesses. The multi-domestic strategy has decentralized authority with substantialautonomy at each business. Using a multi-domestic strategy means that the organization is accommodating the local needs and tastes of each individual country, hence producing a customized product for each of its different markets. Control and authority is de-centralized to each of the different locations in order to facilitate dec ision making based on the local needs and requirements.This strategy is most useful when large differences are evident between countries such as cultural, language, religious and major ethnic differences. A multi-domestic strategy value chain means that each of the functions of Research and Development, Marketing and Distribution will be done at a local level in each country. Each of the country managers is highly independent entrepreneurswho enjoy their room for autonomy and responsibility and do not have much incentive. to share their knowledge and tactics with managers elsewhere. The managers recognize and emphasize the market differences that vary from country to country and are often allowed subsidies by the internationalizing company to vary products, services and business functions to meet the needs of the individual markets specifically. Competition varies on a country to country basis and each subsidiary country has its own set of competitor firms. Industries that havecompetition on a country
Friday, August 23, 2019
Awareness or anorexia Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Awareness or anorexia - Research Paper Example This essay will examine will examine the reasons why it is essential to be aware of anorexia. It is important for one to be aware of anorexia since it is affecting a lot of people without their knowledge. As Anna notes, â€Å"Anorexia can cause the social life of a person to be greatly affected. People suffering from anorexia tend to suffer from low self-esteem and general body dissatisfaction, and this is mostly seen in girls and women.†This condition can in turn make them develop body image disturbances and this eventually, leads to anorexia. This can lead to extreme psychological and medical consequences. People suffering from this disorder have more chances of committing suicide, it cause cardiac arrest to an individual, and it can cause death due to starvation. A majority of anorexia is caused by genetics. Media is another cause of anorexia this comes about when one shares some environmental factors. Newspapers, magazines, and televisions contributes to a great extent to raising these complications since it portrays emaciated people as being a fashion and, super models and this makes majority of the public to emulate them (Anold 1). According to National Eating Disorders Association, â€Å"Eating disorders exists in three major forms, this include; bulimia, anorexia nervosa, and binge eating disorder.†Generally, those individuals suffering from bulimia and anorexia nervosa tend to suffer from low self-esteem, and they have a desire to have a perfect body weight and shape. A person suffers from anorexia nervosa when the weight of the body falls by 15 percent from the normal weight that is expected when compared to their height. Individuals with anorexia nervosa may seem to exercise excessively and can even resolve to force themselves to vomit the food that they have taken. As Anold says, â€Å"Anorexia nervosa may be characterized by the stopping
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Genealogy Revised Essay Example for Free
Genealogy Revised Essay Hundred years ago, the thought of bringing enough cash to purchase your dream house was outrageous. In a modern setting, holding a rectangular piece of plastic smaller than the size of your palm can get you almost anything you want. A credit card was thought to bring convenience to humanity. No longer do people need to bring a stack of cash out or fearing that they might have the financial incapacity to get the latest Gucci bag on the showcase. Go crazy with your shopping-spree but can you really handle it? Credit card is a â€Å"silent killer†to many people, causing a lot of unforeseeable harms as deadly as cancer-cells. BlackBerry Mobile phones have become a necessity to numerous people in the modern world. Cliche as it may sound, mobile phones have brought people closer together. However, how close do you really want it to be? With the of BlackBerrys introduction, business executives and even students can now have access to information from a device the size of their palms. Users can be in their own little world without fearing or worrying the world outside them. The work load of a business person has increased because the idea â€Å"not bringing work home†is long applicable. BlackBerry is a â€Å"devil’s device†that shares a similar implication to George Orwell’s â€Å"Big Brother is watching you! †in the novel 1984, because with a BlackBerry, there is no excuse to not respond to a call or any other form of communication. Female Undergarment Wearing a pair of low-cut jeans and revealing part of the underwear is no longer considered inappropriate in certain societies. Originally, the female undergarment’s primary function is to comfot, support and enhance the femalebody form. In addition, the modern function of the under garment also are also inclined to modesty and erotic display purposes. Diamond When it comes to diamond, many may connect diamond to the purity and longevity of a marriage. Nowadays, in a world where marriage no longer lasts forever, the diamond has become ironic in what its qualities represent. Structurally, the is bonded by several carbon molecules. Despite the various possible substitutes for diamonds were introduced such as crystal, synthetic diamonds and even plastics, but the uniqueness and the superiority of a
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Drug Testing Welfare Recipients -- Article Analysis Essay Example for Free
Drug Testing Welfare Recipients Article Analysis Essay Jonathon Walters author of â€Å"Should Welfare Recipients be Drug Tested?†published an article on March 13, 2012 for Governing: The State and Localities that provided readers with several points of interest when discussing drug testing welfare recipients. Walters states in his article â€Å"According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, almost two dozen states are considering bills that require drug testing those either applying for or receiving public benefits, a policy that has been cut down in the courts before because the Fourth Amendment grants that every individual be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures. (Should Welfare Recipients be Drug Tested? para 1.) This paragraph explains that states are having difficulty passing this bill because the government feels that it violates American’s 4th amendment. Walters brings up arguments from both a favoring side and an opposing side. Favoring sides would not want to give someone government benefits if they are using the benefits to support a drug habit and could save the government money by denying applicants. The opposing side feels that drug testing would come to a great expense to the government and rather than drug testing an individual who needs help because of their drug addiction other programs such as rehab would save money to local, state and federal governments. The author feels that both are good arguments. To further continue on the opposing side of drug testing welfare recipients; Walters explains that â€Å"Drug testing is expensive. Tests cost anywhere from $35 to $75 to administer, according to the liberal-leaning Center for Law and Public Policy. By their math, it would cost anywhere from $20,000 to $77,000 to catch one drug abuser.†(Should Welfare Recipients be Drug Tested? para. 4). On the favoring side legislators have a different calculation and use evidence that biometric screenings such as finger printing lower numbers of participation among welfare recipients. States that do not participate in finger printing have more people applying for welfare. Walters feels that this would be a â€Å"cynical†way of lowering costs. Opposing sides also feel by isolating those who are at risk, for example ex-felons may lead them down a wrong path again because applying for welfare is much harder, therefore, costing the government more money by putting them back in jail and providing them with treatment. Walters asks how will the government determine who receives welfare and how do we make sure that the wrong person doesn’t receive it? Technology will help determine that mistakes won’t be made. â€Å"The public, in general, supports providing help to those who really need it. In that regard, states and localities are developing much more precise tools mostly thanks to improved information technology to ensure that only those who qualify for benefits receive them (and, not incidentally, to ensure that those providing services arent gaming the system).†(Should Welfare Recipients be Drug Tested? para. 8). Overall, Jonathon Walters remains neutral throughout the article and provides detailed rebuttals for both opposing and favoring sides. He agreed that both sides had good arguments and in the end it would be up to America in the long run to decide what is best for its people. References Walterss, J. (2012, March 13) Should Welfare Recipients Be Drug Tested? Governing: The States and Localities. Retrieved from:
Financial Performance Review of Hup Seng Perusahaan Makanan
Financial Performance Review of Hup Seng Perusahaan Makanan REVIEW OF THE FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE Hup Seng Perusahaan Makanan (M) Sdn.Bhd has performed very strongly in our financial year ended 31 December, 2008. Not only the revenue has surpassed the RM200 million mark for the first time in HSIBs history, profit before tax hit a record high of RM21 million for the financial year ended 31 December, 2008 increased from preceding year corresponding period of RM6 million by a hefty RM15 million or 250%. The Groups record profit is respectable indeed, considering a challenging operating environment in which high cost pressures are the order of the day in better part of the year. By keeping close momentum with volatile movement of major material prices, the Group has promptly reacted with cost recovery exercises in February 2008 and again in June 2008 to protect the margin. Nevertheless, prices for most of the key input materials were falling from historical high towards the end of third quarter impacted by fear of global recession as a result of credit crunch. The continued efforts to enhance operating efficiency within the Group have also contributed greatly towards the bottom line of the year, best ever achieved in the Groups history. Revenue rose by 14% to RM220 million as compared with preceding year corresponding period of RM193 million amid a lower production volume. The increase was largely due to selected price adjustments necessitated by the steep increases in raw material costs. The Group has no borrowings and has a cash balance of RM21 million as at the end of the financial year. Net asset per share stood at RM2.10 and earnings per share (EPS) improved significantly from 7.9 sen in 2007 to 26.8 sen. Background Hup Seng Perusahaan Makanan (M) Sdn. Bhd., established in 1958, has been a household name synonymous with quality biscuit manufacturing. Today, it is one of Malaysias leading biscuit manufacturers with many accumulated outstanding achievements. Through continuous upgrading, our products have been honoured with numerous awards worldwide, marking important milestones for the companys history. In recognition of Hup Sengs stringent quality management system, the company was awarded the prestigious MS ISO 9002 Quality System Certification from SIRIM in 1995 and upgraded to MS ISO 9001:2000 Quality System Certification in 2003. In 2005, the Prime Minister Dato Seri Abdullah Badawi awarded Hup Seng with the Industry Product Excellence Award (Eminent Product Performance Award). Being responsible to consumers and upholding Malaysian food prestige internationally, rigorous food safety and hygienic control strategies are employed to ensure safety and hygiene of products. In mid-2007, Hup Seng was accorded with the HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) and BRC (British Retail Consortium) Certification. This has educated consumers on food safety and hygiene and at the same time fostered their confidence in Hup Sengs products. With an international market coverage that spans Asia, Africa, Oceania, Europe and North America, Hup Sengs products have captured the hearts of consumers, young and old in many corners of the world. Henceforth, Hup Seng shall continue to upgrade, improve and reach new peaks of excellence. ACHIEVEMENT The subsidiary, Hup Seng Perusahaan Makanan (M) Sdn Bhd., was accredited with the Certification of HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) and BRC (British RetailConsortium) in Year 2008. CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY The Group recognizes the importance of a corporate culture that emphasizes good corporate social responsibility. The Group is committed to play its role as a caring corporate citizen. In line with this, the Group has taken initiative in making contributions toward the local community, for instances donations to various schools and associations. In the workplace, the Group places high importance on safety, health and employees development. For example, a committee relating to workplace safety is set up to promote awareness of safety in workplace. Various sports activities were organized for healthy and balanced working lifestyle for employees besides encouraging networking and socializing between colleagues and peer. OUTLOOK AND PROSPECTS Malaysia economic expansion disappeared in fourth quarter 2008 and it barely remained above water with a negligible growth of 0.1 % that led a full year growth of 4.6% as compared to 6.3% of 2007. The slower growth was due to the worsening global economy that had caused a significant drop in the countrys exports. The global economy is getting more critical and all signs indicate deeper and prolonged recession. Any improvement will hinge on the state of development in the US and other bigger economies in the world. The countrys grossdomestic product forecast for this year has been revised downwards to between -1% and 1%, from 3.5% earlier. The management expects 2009 to be another very challenging year for the Group in view of growing global economic uncertainty. In this environment, the Groups strategy remains focused on product and service quality, flawless operation and cost control. At the same time, the Group will continue to look for ways to sustain its competitive position whil e remaining focused on operational efficiency so that satisfactory results are achieved in the coming year. FIVE-YEAR GROUP FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Financial year ended 31 December RM'000 RM'000 RM'000 RM'000 RM'000 Turnover 186,482 180,968 188,338 193,115 220,329 Profit After Tax 6,564 5,098 6,807 4,757 16,071 Net Earnings Per Share 11 sen 8.5 sen 11.3sen 7.9sen 26.8 sen Board of Directors Keh (Kerk) Chu Koh Keh (Kerk) Chu Koh, Malaysian aged 66, is the Chairman of the Company. He became a member of the Board of Directors on 4 October, 1991 and was appointed as the Managing Director on 3 August, 2000. Subsequently, he is redesignated as Chairman on 1 February, 2003. He was the Deputy Managing Director of Hup Seng Perusahaan Makanan (M) Sdn. Bhd. (HSPM) on 13 October, 1974 and then the Managing Director of the same on 1 April, 1977. He was appointed as the Deputy Managing Director on 21 April, 1977 and subsequently the Vice Chairman of Hup Seng Hoon Yong Brothers Sdn. Bhd. (HSHY) on 1 January, 1990. He is the brother of Kuo Choo Song and Kerk Chiew Siong, and uncle of Kerk Chian Tung, Teo Lee Teck and Kerk Kar Han. His family relationship with shareholders of HSB Group Sdn. Bhd. (major shareholder of Hup Seng Industries Berhad (HSIB)) is disclosed in page 12 of this Annual Report. He does not have any conflict of interest with the Company except for certain recurrent related party transactions of revenue or trading nature that is necessary for day-to-day operations of the Group. He has no convictions for any offences over the past 10 years. As one of the founders of H up Seng Co., he has approximately 50 years of experience in the biscuits industry. He plans the Groups strategic business development and production development which includes the installation of various production facilities in the Groups factory and heads the research and development team which researches new varieties of biscuits. He contributed in obtaining the Certification of HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) BRC (British Retail Consortium) for HSPM in year 2008, to ensure that product safety and quality are in line with global standard. He travels abroad extensively to keep abreast with the latest developments in the biscuits manufacturing industry and to assess new market prospects for the Group. Kerk Chiew Siong Kerk Chiew Siong, Malaysian aged 56, became a member of the Board of Directors on 4 October, 1991 and was appointed as an Executive Director on 3 August, 2000. His position as Executive Director was redesignated to Non-Executive Director on 1 February, 2003. On 17 August, 2006, he then became the Non-Executive Vice Chairman of the Company. He was appointed as the Director of HSPM on 12 March, 1981 and then as an Executive Director on 1 January, 1990 before being redesignated as Vice Chairman on 1 February, 2003. He was a Director of HSHY on 15 February, 1988 and then became the Deputy Managing Director of the same on 1 January, 1990 before being redesignated as Executive Director on 1 February, 2003. He is the brother of Kuo Choo Song and Keh (Kerk) Chu Koh, and uncle of Kerk Chian Tung, Teo Lee Teck and Kerk Kar Han. His family relationship with shareholders of HSB Group Sdn. Bhd. (major shareholder of (HSIB) is disclosed in page 12 of this Annual Report. He does not have any conflict of interest with the Company except for certain recurrent related party transactions of revenue or trading nature that is necessary for day-to-day operations of the Group. He has no convictions for any offences over the past 10 years. He has more than 33 years of experience in the manufacturing and marketing of biscuits. As head of the Quality Assurance and Business Development Department, he is responsible for devising strategies for market development and researching the potentials of the Groups products in existing as well as new markets. He also ensures the Groups biscuits manufacturing quality control system meets the MS ISO9001:2000 requirements. Kuo Choo Song Kuo Choo Song, Malaysian aged 77, is the Managing Director of the Company. He became a member of the Board of Directors on 4 October, 1991 and was appointed as the Executive Chairman of the Company on 3 August, 2000. Subsequently, he is redesignated as Managing Director in HSIB on 1 February, 2003. He had been a member of the Audit Committee until 12 December, 2007. He was appointed as the Managing Director of HSPM on 13 October, 1974 and as the Chairman of the same since 1 April, 1977. He was subsequently redesignated as Vice Chairman of HSPM on 1 February, 2003. He has been the Chairman of HSHY since 21 April, 1977. He has over 50 years of experience in the biscuits industry at management and board levels. He is one of the founders of Hup Seng Co. which was established in 1958 and subsequently became HSPM in 1974. He is the elder brother of Keh (Kerk) Chu Koh and Kerk Chiew Siong, and uncle of Kerk Chian Tung, Teo Lee Teck and Kerk Kar Han. His family relationship with shareholders of HSB Group Sdn. Bhd. (major shareholder of HSIB) is disclosed in page 12 of this Annual Report. He does not have any conflict of interest with the Company except for certain recurrent related party transactions of revenue or trading nature that is necessary for day-to-day operations of the Group. He has no convictions for any offences over the past 10 years. His job responsibilities include planning the Hup Seng Groups business development programs and representing the Group at various external functions. Other are: Kerk Chian Tung (Executive Director), Teo Lee Teck (Non-Executive Director), Kerk Kar Han (Non-Executive Director), Woon Chin Chan (Independent Non-Executive Director), Norita Binti Jaafar (Independent Non-Executive Director), Mazrina Binti Arifin (Independent Non-Executive Director), Raja Khairul Anuar Bin Raja Mokhtar (Non-Executive Director) and Wee Hoe Soon @ Gooi Hoe Soon (Alternate Director to Woon Chin Chan). Distribution Network Besides the domestic market, We also export our products to over 40 countries in Asia, Europe, America, Africa, Mid-Asia etc. We are proud of our record in building profitable and successful business in the most demanding and competitive of international markets. Our challenge lies in gearing to meet the future demands of the markets we serve. PRICE/EARNINGS RATIO The price/earnings ratio is a measure of the price paid for a share relative to the annual net income or profit earned by the firm per share. In year 2004, the price/earnings ratio for Hup Seng Industries Berhad is 0.13 times and increases by 0.05 times to 0.18 times in year 2005. The price/earnings ratio decreases back to 0.13 times in year 2006. However, the price/earnings ratio has been increases by 0.03 times again to 0.16 times in 2007. In year 2008, the price/earnings ratio decreases sharply by 0.12 times to 0.04 times only. A higher price/earnings ratio means that investors are paying more for each unit of net income, so the stock is more expensive compared to one with lower price/earnings ratio. Thus, we notice that the stock in year 2008 is the cheapest where the investor will pay less for each unit of net income. PRICE/CASH FLOW RATIO Price/cash flow ratio is a measure of the markets expectations of a firms future financial health. It is calculated by dividing the companys market price by the companys operating cash flow per share in the most recent fiscal year. In year 2004, the price/cash flow ratio for Hup Seng Industries Berhad is 18.90 times. During year 2005, the price/cash flow increases by 1.65 times to 20.55 times. The ratio for 2006 is decreases by 0.95 times to 19.6 times. In year 2007, the price/cash flow ratio is 13.21 times and decreases by 3.66 times to 9.55 times in year 2008. The lower a stocks price/cash flow ratio, the better value that stock. PRICE/ BOOK VALUE RATIO The price/book value ratio is provides an assessment of how investors view the firms performance. It is calculated by dividing companys market price by the companys shareholders equity per share. Firms expected to earn high returns relative to their risk typically sell at higher price/book value ratio multiples. In year 2004, the price/book value ratio for Hup Seng Industries Berhad is 1.15 times and increases to 1.21 times by 0.06 times in year 2005. It is decrease by 0.11 times to 1.1 times in year 2006. Then, the price/book value ratio is decreases again to 0.98 times in year 2007. After that, it decreases again to 0.87 times in year 2008. The higher the ratio, the higher the premium the market is willing to pay for the company above its hard assets. PRICE/SALES RATIO The price/sales ratio is a valuation metric for stocks. It used to determine the value of a stock relative to its past performance. It may also be used to determine relative valuation of a sector or the market as a whole. It is calculated by dividing the companys market price by the companys revenue per share in the most recent fiscal year. The price/sales ratio of Hup Seng Industries Berhad for year 2004 is 8.75 times. In year 2005, it rises up to 9.79 times with increases by 1.04 times. In year 2006, it decreases by 0.41 times to 9.38 times. After that, the price/sales ratio decrease sharply by 2.54 times to 6.84 times in year 2007 and decreases again to 5.39 times in year 2008. A low price/sales ratio is usually thought to be a better investment since the investor is paying less for each unit of sales. Forecast For Year 2009 After we estimated for the growth of 7% for year 2009, we can make the forecast market value for year 2009. In year 2009, we expect that the price/earnings ratio still maintain with 0.04 times which has the same times with year 2008. As a result, the expected market value will decrease to RM1.10. Therefore, we expect the investors still paying less for each unit of net income, so the stock will become cheaper. For the price/cash flow ratio, we expect that it will decrease by 0.63 times to 8.92 times. As a result, the expected market value will decrease to RM1.10. Thus, the lower of stocks price/cash flow ratio give the better value that stock in year 2009. For the price/book value ratio, we estimate that it will decrease by 0.05 times to 0.82 times which will decrease to RM1.10 in the market value in year 2009. So we estimate that it has the lower premium that market is willing to pay for Hup Seng above its hard assets. For the price/sales ratio, we expect that it will decrease by 0. 35 times to 5.04 times. As a result, the expected market value will decrease to RM1.10. Thus, it seem that it will be a better investment opportunity in year 2009 for investors. Other Ratios Analysis Of Hup Seng Industries Berhad 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Leverage Ratios: Interest Burden 1.00 times 1.00 times 1.00 times 1.00 times 1.00 times Leverage 1.01 times 1.01 times 1.01 times 1.01 times 1.01 times Compound Leverage Factor 1.01 times 1.01 times 1.01 times 1.01 times 1.01 times Liquidity Ratios: Current Ratio 36.73 times 14.03 times 13.46 times 14.55 times 16.72 times Quick Ratio 36.73 times 14.03 times 13.46 times 14.55 times 16.72 times Cash Ratio 36.28 times 13.99 times 13.39 times 14.47 times 16.69 times Profitability Ratios: Return On Assets 9.57% 9.25% 8.59% 11.35% 13.39% Return On Equity 6.87% 6.08% 6.17% 8.32% 9.97% Profit margin 77.43% 75.74% 73.89% 79.97% 81.92% Comparison With Competitor (Hwa Tai Industries Berhad) Hwa Tai Industries Berhad is our strong competitor, so we compare our company with them through ratio analysis which are the ratio as table below: Hup Seng Industries Berhad Hwa Tai Industries Berhad (Year 2008) (Year 2008) Price/Earnings Ratio 0.04 times (1.12) times Price/Cash Flow Ratio 9.55 times (7.84) times Price/Book Value Ratio 0.87 times 1.28 times Price/Sales Ratio 5.39 times 0.33 times Since Hwa Tai Industries Berhad has net loss, so we cannot compare the price/earnings ratio of our company with it. According to statement of cash flow in Hwa Tai Industries Berhad, we notice that cash outflow is more than cash inflow which indicate negative in net cash flow. Therefore, we fail to make comparison among these two company. The higher the price/book value ratio, the higher the premium the market is willing to pay for the company above its hard assets. A low ratio may signal a good investment opportunity, so Hup Seng Industries Berhad has a better investment opportunity to investors because the ratio is only 0.87 times which is lower than Hwa Tai Industries Berhad that is 1.28 times of ratio. The price/sales ratio is one of the tools that will help investors determine which category a stock is in and help them to make an informed investment decision. The lower the price/sales ratio, the better the investment opportunity. Based on the table above, it shows that Hwa Tai Industries Berhad has a better investment opportunity to investors because it has the lower price/sales ratio than Hup Seng Industries Berhad. As a conclude, a smart investor will invest in Hup Seng Industries Berhad to earn more profit because Hup Seng Industries Berhad has high earnings per share which will give investors higher return. Besides that, Hup Seng Industries Berhad also has positive net cash flow which the cash inflow is greater than the cash outflow. As a result, the increasing of reliability of investors towards Hup Seng Industries Berhad will encourage investors to invest in this company.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Money - I Want It :: Free Essay Writer
Money - I Want It I cannot wait to finish college and begin baking my economic cake. Everyday you here about someone making it big in the stock market, some one winning the lotto jackpot or some idiot cleaning out some other idiot in court. There is only one thing that those people have that I want, and it’s money. I’ve learned at a very early age the value of the â€Å"all mighty buck†. I grew up in a poor single mother home, and when I saw all the kids with cool toys, and I had squat, I realized that if I want something I have to get it for myself. I had my first job at age five, but I also had the toys I wanted too. The world revolves around money, just a pure and simple fact. There is plenty of money out there and I want more than my share of it. If money was a drug then call me a junky, I’m addicted to money like a welfare cheat is addicted to crack. I’ve also learned at an early age that you’re not going to make any money with out a college education. In high school I never planned on going to college because my parents didn’t have money, and after high school I had to fend for myself. I bounced around from low paying job to low paying job. At age 19 I got a dishwashing job at this figure skating camp that was owned by the same people who owned the hockey rink where I played at for the last 9 years. The only reason I got the job was because the staff knew me from the other rink and had basically watched me grow up, I was there so often. It was a seasonal job just for the summer. In that summer I learned about hard work and what kind of stuff it takes to be a hard worker. I worked so hard there, the boss gave me more and more hours until I was full time. By the end of that summer I was considered one of the hardest workers there. Well out of everyone in the kitchen staff, I was the only one offered another job at ice rink. Sure it was only for a snack bar attendant, but at least it was a little more money and responsibility .
Monday, August 19, 2019
Essay example --
1 John Adamsâ€â€the first vice president of the United States, an American Founding Father, and well-educated Republicanâ€â€is most commonly known for being the second president of the United States. As a lifelong opponent to slavery, Adams never bought a slave in his life. He assisted Thomas Jefferson in the writing of the Declaration of Independence, and helped negotiate the peace treaty with Great Britain. Adams won the Presidential Election in 1796 with only having only three votes more than Thomas Jefferson. But John Adam’s life wasn’t all based on presidency, obviously. His early life was just as normal as anyone else’s. John Adams was born on October 30, 1735 in Quincy, Massachusetts to John Adams Sr. and Susanna Boylston. Adam’s birthplace is now part of Adams National Historical Park. [3] He was born into a normal but not wealthy farming family. His father earned a living as a farmer and shoemaker about fifteen miles away from Boston. Adams loved the outdoors, and was always skipping school to go hunting and fishing. He would have preferred a life as a farmer, but later on his dad insisted that he get a formal education. Adams attended a local school that was designed for teaching skills of reading and writing, and he also attended a Latin school for those who planned to go to college. Adams commonly praised his father and indicated that he and his father were very close when he was a child. Young Adams went to Harvard College at age sixteen in 1751. His father expected him to become a minister, but Adams had doubts. After graduating in 2 1755, he taught school for a few years in Worcester, allowing himself time to think about his career choice. Later on, he decided to become a lawyer, and studied law in the office of John P... ...ever owned a slave either. I think it would have been better if he made it so it was illegal to own a slave but then that would have caused more problems for his presidency and lots of people would vote against him. I think that once everyone found out about Adams being against slavery, that’s what hurt him in the election when he ran for his second term and got beat. I also like that he was all about making the world peaceful, even though he knew people would hate him for it. The way Adams handled wars was good because he was always finding a way to make it to peace without actually physically fighting or going to war. Although there were wars that they went to, Adams did what he had to do to get it over with. He made his way around war as much as possible. Overall, John Adams is one of my favorite presidents mostly because of what he did and what he believed in. Essay example -- 1 John Adamsâ€â€the first vice president of the United States, an American Founding Father, and well-educated Republicanâ€â€is most commonly known for being the second president of the United States. As a lifelong opponent to slavery, Adams never bought a slave in his life. He assisted Thomas Jefferson in the writing of the Declaration of Independence, and helped negotiate the peace treaty with Great Britain. Adams won the Presidential Election in 1796 with only having only three votes more than Thomas Jefferson. But John Adam’s life wasn’t all based on presidency, obviously. His early life was just as normal as anyone else’s. John Adams was born on October 30, 1735 in Quincy, Massachusetts to John Adams Sr. and Susanna Boylston. Adam’s birthplace is now part of Adams National Historical Park. [3] He was born into a normal but not wealthy farming family. His father earned a living as a farmer and shoemaker about fifteen miles away from Boston. Adams loved the outdoors, and was always skipping school to go hunting and fishing. He would have preferred a life as a farmer, but later on his dad insisted that he get a formal education. Adams attended a local school that was designed for teaching skills of reading and writing, and he also attended a Latin school for those who planned to go to college. Adams commonly praised his father and indicated that he and his father were very close when he was a child. Young Adams went to Harvard College at age sixteen in 1751. His father expected him to become a minister, but Adams had doubts. After graduating in 2 1755, he taught school for a few years in Worcester, allowing himself time to think about his career choice. Later on, he decided to become a lawyer, and studied law in the office of John P... ...ever owned a slave either. I think it would have been better if he made it so it was illegal to own a slave but then that would have caused more problems for his presidency and lots of people would vote against him. I think that once everyone found out about Adams being against slavery, that’s what hurt him in the election when he ran for his second term and got beat. I also like that he was all about making the world peaceful, even though he knew people would hate him for it. The way Adams handled wars was good because he was always finding a way to make it to peace without actually physically fighting or going to war. Although there were wars that they went to, Adams did what he had to do to get it over with. He made his way around war as much as possible. Overall, John Adams is one of my favorite presidents mostly because of what he did and what he believed in.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
The Role of Mass-Media in the Contemporary World Essay -- essays resea
The Role of Mass-Media in the Contemporary World The power of the mass media has once become so powerful that its undoubtedly significant role in the world today stays beyond any questions. It is so strong that even politics uses it as a means of governing in any country around the world. The mass media has not only political meaning but also it conveys wide knowledge concerning all possible aspects of human beings’ lives and, what is utterly true, influences on people’s points of view and their attitude to the surrounding environment. It is completely agreeable about what kind of virtues the mass media is supposed to accent. Nevertheless, it is not frequent at all that the media provides societies with such a content, which is doubtful in terms of the role consigned to it. Presenting violence and intolerance as well as shaping and manipulating public are only a few examples of how the role of mass media is misunderstood by those who define themselves as leading media makers. As long as violent programmes are shown on TV, the role of the mass media becomes completely different from how it was originally treated. Violence is socially harmful and especially the youth are very prone to such scenes that may strongly affect their psyches. It is true that programmes featuring cruel pictures are marked as ‘only for adults’ but the time when they are emitted is relatively early and the access to them seems to be rather unlimited to young people. Another matter that is very fre...
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Men are violent by nature Essay
In the essay â€Å"Men – It’s In Their Nature,†Hoff Sommers states that although the â€Å"radical masculinity†should be addressed and civilized, it should not be eliminated because it is something natural and without it men would not be able to protect women and society. She argues that trying to make boys behave like girls does a disservice to boys’ natural talent. As Hoff Sommers claims, it is more of †††â€Å"men’s nature††††and what society has to do is to civilize and handle the natural masculinity in men. There are strong influences in society, including media, school, and culture that overwhelmingly define aggressive male behavior. While these are undeniable physical properties, even from birth, gender roles are defined for children. Men must abandon notion they are violent by nature I remember my dad telling me about a woman he met this past summer in a small farming community who told hi m her husband beat her every few weeks. We’re surrounded by violence. Kids will see hundreds of violent deaths on television. Children will see other kids get spanked by their parents and learn that violence and love go hand-to-hand. Children The behavior is influenced by the massagers about gender that kids get from their parents, friends, teachers, and the media. Many parents, teachers, and gender reform have not been successful in rooting out male behavior they regard as harmful. For example, an â€Å"equity facilitator†tried to persuade a group of nine-year-old boys in a Baltimore public school to accept the idea of playing with baby dolls. According to one observer, â€Å"Their reaction was so hostile; the teacher had trouble keeping order (Sommers 366).†Sommers’ present’ research that asserts that the nature of men is a matter of biology, not conditioning, and schools should stop attempting to change natural gender roles in society. Biology is a factor in some aspects of male and female behavior, but the education of gender roles is society is constantly broadcast from parents, television, and teachers. Behavior adapts to the prevailing culture, not necessarily to biological ho rmones. â€Å"A Scientific American reviewed the growing evidence that children’s play preferences are, in large part, hormonally determined (Sommers 367).†Scientific date is no longer relevant; it is the culture of a particular society that is the major influence. Because all individual must exist within different societies, much of the behavior is engineered from laws, religion, and culture. If there was a law the demanded that man stay home and women work, then the behavior would respond that law and not to the biological nature of an individual’s sex. â€Å"We have a set of proven social practices for raising young men. The traditional approach is through character education to develop a young man’s sense of honor and help him become a considerate, conscientious human being (Sommers 367).†Yes, there are social practices in society, home, school, that encourage men to be dominant. In Saudi Arabia, Men are entitled to divorce without explanation simply by registering a statement to the court and repeating it three times. By contrast, most women lack the right to divorce. Sommers also discusses, â€Å"the efforts to feminize them with dolls, quilts, non-competitive games, girl-centered books, and feelings exercises will fail; though they will succeed in making millions of boys quite unhappy(Sommers 368).†There is no original or primary gender a drag imitates, but gender is a kind of such as those that encourage men who rape women to marry their victims. I don’t feel we should be trying to redirect their interests or feminize them to accomplish this, instead teach them how to use what comes natural to them for the greater good. Men have helped to get us this far through their competitive drive, risk taking, and sometimes their aggression. Sommers present scientific data that support the hardwired characteristics of men and women. The scientific data is valid, but in everyday life men and women are expected by society, to conform to tradition roles for men and women. There are many instances where there is a behavior that is hardwired from biology, but behaviors are still learned. A man may open a door for a woman because he was told that’s how you treat a woman. Sommers may have valid points about natural gender role, but she forgot the fact that behavior can never be learned from just science.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Performance Management Plan Essay
Performance management plans are crucial to any business. The main focus of an effective performance management plan should be the employee, but in order to align employee performance with organizational goals, we must also look at the foundation of the organizational structure. This is important because it will define the direction in which a performance plan will guide an employee. Currently Clapton Commercial Construction is a successful business, operating out of Michigan. The expansion of an already thriving organizational climate should be fairly smooth, and with our guidance we will ensure that the appropriate considerations are accommodated, such expansion to a different state, Arizona, and adding of 20% more employees. After looking into your current performance management plan, I would like to make the following suggestions: Organizational goals When we compared your current organizational goals to your existing performance management plan, we saw that there were already successfully established tools for implementing training as well as measuring employee satisfaction, efficiency, and productivity. Training to the organizations desired result is imperative and being able to measure milestones along the path is just as important. Training Training a diverse group of employees creates the need for several different training modalities. Group trainings work well because it allows for information to be heard by the masses. The common downfall to this is that many individuals learn in different ways. So having varies approaches ensures a higher success rate. Smaller focus groups work well to reach others on a more intimate level. The most important factor in training, other than the training itself, is the ability to measure the results of the productivity that the training has created. By-annual evaluations that evaluate key factors in the training help to place a quantitive value on not only production but also on behaviors. Documentation is important as well, because it records a standard that was set during strategic planning that evaluations should be measured against. Communication One of the key components of a truly effective performance management plan is communication. Establishing and maintaining this is critical because managers need to feel connected with their employees and vise versa. Feedback is a large part of our plan suggestion because it will assist in communicating the identified gaps in production. Currently your turnover rate is at 20%. Our goal with establishing better communication between management and employees is to see that percentage shrink. Feedback and coaching will has been proven to add to employee satisfaction ( Open communication allows for those within the organization to develop strong working relationships, which will result in a continuous flow of feedback and coaching. The 20% employee addition in this expansion is a great opportunity to incorporate more employee participation in the further development of the performance management plan. Involving employees in this process with not only create a sense of ownership i n the work that the employee puts out, but will also make it possible for employees to take responsibility for their own learning and development within the company. Conclusion In conclusion, I would like to that Clapton Commercial Construction for trusting Atwood and Allen to assist with our expertise in your endeavor to create a successful performance management plan. As you grow and begin implementing this plan, we will follow up with evaluations to identify skill gaps and formulate resolutions to rectify them accordingly. References WWW.OPM.GOV [performance management] 2015
Enough is never enough
AHHHHHHHH!! What am I going to wear today? Every morning, this seems to be a problem, even though I have closets full of clothes and no more space to actually place my clothes since every possible place has been filled. But, I feel I don't have enough, because it seems I've worn just that top yesterday and the other â€Å"Gap†black one, on Wednesday. I guess I'll just have to go shopping once more, since I just don't have enough! Enough is never enough. Whether it is a lust for material, social or political â€Å"stuff†, we simply want more. I live in a first world country, with all the luxuries of life in a house, with a delightful 3 times meal, nice, new shiny cars parked outside- allowing me to go whenever and wherever I want. Basically, for most of us here in Canada, it's the best life can ever get! But why is it that we continuously just demand more and more? Or even better we claim we â€Å"need†more. A want, all of a sudden becomes a need – something we couldn't survive without. But, it's no different for me. I have a huge collection of different types of shoes for different seasons, and the collection just seems to be looking old and I actually think it needs an update, because the last time I bought shoes was just last week, when the new boots came out in style. According to the 2001 Survey of Household Spending, Households in Canada spent an average of $57,730 in 2001 on everything from food, shelter and clothing to recreation and travel, which was up 3. 4% from $55,830 in 2000, slightly higher than the rate of inflation of 2. % as measured by the Consumer Price Index (Statistics Canada). This shows the continuous rise in our buying habits, since our thirst for deeper material possessions doesn't seem to have an end. Its not just one person desiring innumerable things but it applies to all of us. The other day my friend was complaining to me, †I know I just came from the salon but I wish I'd get those bangs instead, instead of these layers, so lets go there tomorrow again. †We actually think that's a bit too much, but you know what? It's happening. We aren't just dissatisfied with our looks, but with everything else we own. She just isn't pleased with what she's got! So, then who exactly is? I asked 10 people randomly to find out the answer and the responses I got were surprising. Six out of the ten people were satisfied with what they have and replied in a positive manner. â€Å"You can't be greedy! How much more can you ask for? You have a house†¦ TONS of clothes, food†¦ and all the other â€Å"wants†for entertainment and all the fun things†¦ o yeah totally satisfied â€Å"or â€Å"I'm satisfied with what I have but I also wish that I can have more material and wouldn't mind having more if I were to get it†or â€Å"I'm satisfied for now but I would want more in the future, like in 10 years†and â€Å"I'm satisfied for now, but because there is more out there and we can access it, we want more but just not right now. †The others were complaining about how little t hey have and life would be much better if they had much more. I would fit into that category! My house isn't getting any prettier, even after all the money spent on the antiques and the expensive decorations. I feel it would make the house look much better, if we purchased some paintings. I have a â€Å"56†inch T. V, that seizes half of our living room space but I plan to buy the new flat screen ones, since they are the â€Å"new look†, even though our T. V is precisely perfect. From Internet to Mp3 players, our life is fully complete. Isn't it? But instead of normal speed Internet, we want high speed – faster and advanced, which means our life is complete but we aren't content. We simply just can't see what items we actually do have and what we can use, instead we see what we don't have and just ask for more and more since its never sufficient for us. We're on a continuous search for material. It's a non-stop hunt! It's not a hunt just for material goods but for social and political rights as well. We live in a democratic society that allows us to have more social control over government. We have more communal rights and freedom then many citizens in other countries. We have the guarantee for the freedom of expression, assembly, religion, and the press. We have equal rights just like all the other citizens regarding race or religion. We have mobility rights, legal rights, minority languages, educational rights and democratic rights. However, same sex couples are still asking for same sex marriage rights. Why does it feel that we don't have enough freedom? But, I just thought, we did. Maybe we should be put in a communist country such as China where public criticism of government is not permitted, and the rights of the state take precedence over those of the individual. That way it would be more fun seeing people complain and trying to get their way across to a communist government. Many of us are well employed and the companies we work for promise us many things, such as benefits, but several of the occupations, such as teachers are still asking for a raise in the pay since its not an adequate pay for them. We are paying all those taxes and even though we are getting safer roads and a health care system, in return, we feel it's too much and want a tax cut. Why does it feel like the government is ripping us off? We have the ability to make choices, get education at any age, attend free language classes, read free books at the library, play at the community center but the list just seems to be looking shorter. We are still fighting with the government against the high tuition cost and the small size of the libraries. We are waiting for new political leaders to come into place and change the way things are being done politically, and make decisions that are a benefit to the society or us, which is constantly changing. We can actually never sit down and be thankful for what we have. It's like we are on a constant search for more social and political rights, because the amount of freedom we currently hold, still makes us feel caged. What is the motivation that's asking us to search and fight for extra? What makes us think we don't have enough and we need to consume more? Don't you want to know? One of the reasons may be that day by day, researchers are finding out new technology and ways to make life much easier and more convenient for us. They provide us with gadgets that allow us to carry out several different tasks at one time, which are tempting to have, thereby creating more wants. As fashion builds, with new styles and trends coming out everyday, it overwhelms us with a new look, which is new and exciting, that gives us a satisfying feeling, making it a desire to go out there and devour more. Daily, our wants fluctuate. Overall, society and our own opinions, make us judge about our haves and have not's. Not having one thing at any moment makes us feel we have nothing, therefore making us unsatisfied. The wants of a person, socially also change and as life gets convenient for everybody, we start thinking about people who are in wheelchairs and are disabled in other ways. We ask the government to make ramps into theatres for them and parking lot spaces, especially to meet their safety, creating a social want. As inflation occurs and prices hike up, people want to start earning more, to be able to afford a living and have enough to satisfy their desires and wants, once again creating a social hunger. According to Maslow's Theory, â€Å"People might have enough of food, security, belonging and respect but!!! Enough of self-actualization is harder to attain. In point of fact self-actualization is seen as being somewhat addictive, once experienced it is something that people tend to want more and more of! Moreover people can only really pay attention to self-actualization needs once their more basic needs are satisfactorally met! †(Abraham Maslow hierarchy of needs). This theory shows how it's in us that after we pass our needs we move on to our wants, which are innumerable. All these factors, affect for our longing for material goods and social rights since they arise as the need for them occurs. Maybe we do have an explanation of why we are always asking for more and not being delighted with what we actually have. We might just be able to make it through an answer. Do these reasons mean we can just keep on seeking for more and fighting for more? To what extent can these reasons be used and are they a positive impact or a negative one? The question comes down to asking if the desire for more is a good or bad thing? Are we living in a society that sees the long for more, of a good thing benefiting everyone or something against communal values? In my opinion, it depends on the person who's looking at it and the type of want. I guess the citizen or person for example, asking for less tuition fees, of course will see it as a good thing and sees it as a need to lower the costs which will point out all the benefits to all the students, province wide. However, the government will see this as a negative impact on their financial budget and wont see it at all as a financial crisis for students attending universities and colleges. It all comes down to whose point of view we are looking through. In my opinion, if the social or political want is a one that will help everyone in society, and not harm anything, it's an agreeable thing. We can fight and protest for it since it's something only citizens can see and the government can't and its up to us as responsible citizens to have the political leaders open their eyes and recognize that it's for a good cause. It's the only way to be able to improve our society and the world we live in. If companies for example, were asking for laws that would be damaging to the environment such as no pollution control or being able to throw chemicals in the water, they would be seen as a social greed. The government hasn't allowed this law to take place for a specific reason and it should be kept that way. As time passes and changes occur in style and technology the lust for new things seem logical as long as there isn't a continuous desire. We just need to draw a line sometimes to exactly where the limits are for searching and fighting for extra of everything, sometimes that can justify the good and bad. We should be able to stay within them, and the person that exactly decides the limits is – us.
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