Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Interpersonl therpy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Interpersonl therpy - Essay Example IPT is one of the short term therpies tht hve been proven to be effective for the tretment of depression. Short term usully involves up to 20 sessions (usully weekly meetings, 1 hour per session) nd mintins focus on 1-2 key issues tht seem to be most closely relted to the depression. Although depression my not be cused by interpersonl events, it usully hs n interpersonl component, tht is, it ffects reltionships nd roles in those reltionships. IPT ws developed to ddress these interpersonl issues. The precise focus of the therpy trgets interpersonl events (such s interpersonl disputes / conflicts, interpersonl role trnsitions, complicted grief tht goes beyond the norml berevement period) tht seem to be most importnt in the onset nd / or mintennce of the depression. IPT is time-limited therpy tht previews in totl 12-week tretment schedule (Mufson & Moreu, 1998). The gols of IPT re to identify interpersonl problem res with which the dolescent is struggling nd to focuse on how those problems re currently impcting their reltionships (Mufson & Moreu, 1998). There re three tretment phses identified s prt of the IPTmodel--initil, middle, nd termintion. Initil Phse occurs during s... te history of current interpersonl reltionships, identify the interpersonl problem re(s) tht my hve precipitted the onset of the depression, discuss gols nd techniques of IPT tretment, nd contrct for tretment. The middle phse of IPT tretment consists of sessions five through eight nd it is during this time tht the mentl helth counselor nd client begin to directly work on the interpersonl problem res identified during the initil stges of tretment. The min gol of the middle phse of IPTtretment is to ssocite these interpersonl problem res to the depressive symptomology currently being experienced by the dolescent. Five interpersonl problem res re exmined during this time: grief, interpersonl role disputes, role trnsitions, interpersonl deficits, nd single-prent fmilies (Mufson & Moreu, 1999). The focus of these interpersonl problem res hs been modified from IPT to meet the developmentl needs nd issues of depressed dolescents. The termintion phse of IPT occurs between sessions nine through twelve (Mufson & Moreu, 1999). In this phse, dolescents re helped to individute from the mentl helth counselor nd to gin sense of efficcy for coping with future problems. During the termintion session, mentl helth counselors nd dolescents process wht hs occurred in counseling, discuss possible res tht could cuse future problems, nd explore problem-solving strtegies relted to those res. Cognitive-Behviorl Therpy Cognitive-behviourl therpy (CBT) is the ne mongst number of structured psychotherpies tht hd proved to be effective in the cute tretment of depression. CBT is generic term referring to therpies tht incorporte both behviorl interventions (direct ttempts to reduce dysfunctionl emotions nd behvior by ltering behvior) nd cognitive interventions (ttempts to reduce dysfunctionl

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