Saturday, January 11, 2020
American National Standards Institute
In every database project, there would always be requirements for the implementation of its data model. For it to work well and test its functionality, a data value might be needed. This data value will assume a value that is unknown. In relational databases, SQL server uses a placeholder called NULL that resembles unknowns. NULL sets parameters so some data modelers can avoid using it. However, just like any other technology, complications would always arise. One of these is an argument whether it’s good to use NULL or not.NULL is a condition, apart from being unknown (Poolet, 2006). However, along with its many uses are issues supported by some books that suggest minimization of using NULL. There are also a few authors who came to a point of telling to never declare a column NULL. According to them, declaring a column null would mean minor additional overhead on SQL server. Also, you must see to it that you have accounted for the NULL condition in any program that will gain access to the database most especially to those programming languages that would flag null as an error condition.The issues, however, do not necessarily suggest to avoid the use of NULL. In the first place, NULL values are created for purpose. It expresses an unknown condition that is valid. The American National Standards Institute, the provider of standardization system in USA, is supporting the use of NULL instead of empty strings. Thus, the use of NULL is just a matter of choice. References Poolet, M. A. (2006, May) Designing for Performance: Null or Not Null? SQL Server Magazine, pg. 31 American National Standards Institute The American National Standards Institute is an organization that is instrumental in evaluating conformance in relation to customary setups. Their management systems related to standardization are reflected in their environmental parameters in ISO 14000 and quality based parameters such as ISO 9000. In general terms the mission of ANSI can be enumerated as an operation that is constructed to enhance the basic competitiveness of both national and global business.This helps to maintain the integrity of the US business in a voluntary consensus manner that ultimately projects the face of the US to the world as this depicts the quality of life in the United States. (Lamb, 243) It could be mentioned in this context that the system of voluntary standard and the ANSI is a very dynamic process. The initial need of this organization can be traced back to 1911 when industrial conflicts in relation to waste and duplications became a major issue.During this period in 1916 five major bodies of Ame rica came together to form a common nation body that was to look after and coordinate the standardization process. These eminent bodies are ASTM or the American Society for Testing Materials, AIMME or the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, ASCE or the American Society of Civil Engineers, ASME or the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the most important of all the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. They together formed a core unit to overlook the process but soon enough the need of a separate unit or organization became obvious.Thus the AESE or the American Engineering Standards Committee was founded within the next two tears. Later this organization was redesigned and named ANSI or the American National Standards Institute. (Kar, 147) It should be remembered that the ANSI is also affiliated with the ISO or International Organization for Standardization where it represents the US officially. It is also affiliated with the IEC or the Internati onal Electrotechnical Commission. However, this affiliation is made via the National Committee of the United States.Furthermore, the American National Standards Institute is also the member of the IAF or the much important International Accreditation Forum. In the regional sector ANSI is an active member of the PASC or the Pacific Area Standards Congress and it represents the United States and also hold an important portfolio as a member in the COPANT or the Pan American Standards Commission. It is a very important part of the PAC or the Pacific Accreditation Cooperation too and is extremely instrumental in the decision making machineries of the IAAC or Inter American Accreditation Cooperation.However, it should be mentioned that the activities of ANSI in this sector is mostly done via ANAB or the ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board. (Kar, 148) The standardization process of the ANSI follows a strict mode of hallmark. Firstly, agreement by an assembly of eminent position holders a re taken into consideration who are granted as able representatives of interested bodies and those who are affected materially. Secondly, draft standards are prepared based on comments and public review that is predominantly broad based.Thirdly, the voting members evaluate and analyze the topic in concern and then after thorough consideration the response is taken into account. The fourth phase starts with the process of incorporation of the changes agreed upon in relation to the requirements of the consensus and in accordance to the standard of the initial draft. The fifth and the last phase deal with the process of development of standard where appeal could be put forward in relation to review of the entire process, if necessary. (Lamb, 245)In conclusion it should be mentioned that the ANSI was founded on 19th October, 1918 and holds a legal status that indicates it belongs to non profit institution and private firm under 501(c) 3. (King, 30)The head office of ANSI is situated in Washington, DC. The present Chairman of ANSI is Robert W. Noth and the president is Joe Bhatia. (King, 28) According to the current profile of ANSI the organization has a total workforce of more than 85 full time employees and the annual budget of the organization is about $22 million.(King, 29) The organization runs on membership and its members are individuals, International bodies, academic bodies, Companies, Organizations and most of all Government agencies. At present date the ANSI is the representative of about 4 million professionals and 125000 companies. (King, 27) References: Kar, P; History of Technology and related applications. (Kolkata: Dasgupta & Chatterjee 2001) pp 147-8 King, H; The ANSI Today. (Chennai: HBT & Brooks Ltd. 2006) pp 27-30 Lamb, Davis; Cult to Culture: The Development of Civilization on the Strategic Strata. (Delhi: National Book Trust. 2004) pp 243-245
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