Friday, January 3, 2020
Public Policy During The Twentieth Century Essay - 2214 Words
Public policy underwent powerful changes throughout the twentieth century because Party Realignment, Voting Rights, and Women s rights. The idea of â€Å"Breadwinning†constructed by Robert O. Self in, All in the Family, is the ideal from the conservative side is that â€Å"they sought to protect idealized families from moral harm†(Self, 5) where as on the liberal side â€Å"they hoped to assist families economically†(Self, 4). This idea of breadwinning ultimately divided demands of labor by gender. It gave off this notion that men’s work was to be public, paid for and ultimately preserve the family where as women’s work was more domestic and caregiving. This 1955 ideology provided the notion that the males were to be the provider of the family by working and providing income to support his family. Males were the heads of the household and ultimately drove public policy, â€Å"The nation had developed a national employment policy-through legislation such as the 1935 Social Security and Wagner acts, the 1937 Fair Labor Standards Act, and the 1946 Employment act- it was based on mal e-breadwinner ideology†(Self, 18). With men driving and shaping public policy in the workforce women were not guaranteed equal opportunity with new legislation because so few questioned this naturalness of the breadwinning ideology. In the first half of the 1960s a distinct way of thinking in the work place and family challenged the previous ideology. A growing number of advocates such as â€Å"female trade unionists,Show MoreRelatedThe Culture of Control1316 Words  | 6 Pageshalf of the twentieth century (Garland, 2001, pg 75). Four our purposes it is useful to distinguish two sets of transformative forces (Garland, 2001, pg 75). 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